Creating Content in the Time of COVID

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Don Miskel: Your favorite author you've yet to read.'

I am of the opinion that everyone has a story to tell in their own unique way. Many get intimidated because they feel their tale has already been told. And, though there are definitely similarities when it comes to the human experience, I guarantee you can put another spin on it.

Four weeks into the pandemic lockdown and many folks are bouncing off the walls, knitting straitjackets for the kids, their significant others, or maybe even themselves. Why not write a story about it, from a comedic perspective? Why not develop characters that can be woven into different scenarios that can be told to the kids before bedtime? Those are two examples of how inspiration can be gained from any situation.

Looking for how to get started? Here are a few things you can do:

– Jot down a few key words or a theme on which you want to write. Worried about this quarantine lasting for the remainder of the year? You may be able to create a character undergoing a similar circumstance. Maybe she is being held captive by space pirates that have tentacles for arms and legs. Maybe it’s a husband and father who is seeking employment after his company has folded because the mortgage is overdue.

– From there, find out what the character wants. Freedom? A new career path? Figure out all the obstacles that stand between and how (s)he can triumph.

– Not so much into writing fiction? No problem. Keep a journal and, ensuring you’re not divulging anything you want to keep private, start up a blog to post your thoughts. How do you feel about the current pandemic? Do you think there is a hidden agenda underway? Share those thoughts.

– Set aside time to write everyday. To make it a habit, create a reminder in your cell phone that goes off the same time each day. Maybe it’s for an hour after the kids have gone to bed. Maybe it’s first thing in the morning, before everyone else has gotten up.

– Here’s the biggest challenge: keep it going. That means, even after “The Outside” opens up again and the quarantine has been lifted, continue to write.

– Realize that your stuff does not have to necessarily be for public consumption, though there are multiple avenues that allow for inexpensive self-publishing, if you like.

As for Yours Truly, I’m keeping busy. I’ve already begun to map out the next projects I will write and release. Some will be interconnected, which requires some planning as to whether these worlds and characters are deeply involved or simply brush up against each other. This is how literary universes are built (that’ll be for a later blog post). Some of the will just be standalone stories.

The goal is to keep distracted during all the bad news we’re getting via the news. In the midst of the mayhem, create something fresh and new. Your voice is your own.

More into building new streams of income than characters and storylines? Make sure you check out the latest post on my HustleLogic blog:

Pandemics Change the Way We Do Business

Three People Holding Their Phones And Taking Picture Of A Mona Lisa Painting

When I was a kid, there were no tamper seals on anything. I guess it was assumed that no one would ever mess with the foods and medicines we bought, until it happened with a bottle of Tylenol. Suddenly, it had to be taken into consideration that not everyone was benevolent and the business model had to change.

Though I’m no physician, I’m sure certain incidents have driven necessary changes to medical protocol. From what I understand, during the Black Plague, people desperately built pyres in the streets, attempting to “clean” the air. However, the resulting smoke did nothing to stop the disease.

At the time of this blog post, the world is staring down the barrel of COVID-19. Conspiracy theories and the fact that influenza is responsible for a lot more casualties aside, the Corona Virus is set to be a game changer. What technology has not already done to isolate us into virtual worlds of video games and social media, mandated social distancing will do.

Speaking of tech, I’ve been wondering for the past 20+ years how come downtown business districts still exist. Many jobs are able to be worked from home with an internet connection, a device, and the requisite trapdoor pajamas. Now that much of the world is being forced into this sort of isolation, maybe companies will see the advantage of removing the corporate overhead that involves expensive leases and huge buildings to do what can be accomplished in the comfort of employees’ homes.

Likewise, just as the need to go to huge movie theaters to catch the latest flick has been diminishing in lieu of simply streaming content from anywhere, times are a-changin’. I will take a moment to say that a nostalgic part of me misses the trips families took to the now-vastly-extinct drive-ins. However, though I love the rather concept of jockeying for a view from the backseat or doing battle with the mosquitos when we dared to sit outside in lawn chairs, drive-ins are antiquated as a business model. (I’m still hoping it comes back and finds a second wind, much like vinyl records, as a niche market.)

Food delivery has become a thing in the past decade. Currently, with most restaurants closed or at least modified to discourage close interaction, many are forced to order out and wait for their meals to be delivered. How will this up-jump the boogie when it comes to future business models for eateries? Will patrons be welcomed to dine in sterile pods with clear walls that allow us to see other folks and give us the illusion of socializing? Sounds like something from a Terry Gilliam movie but speculative fiction often becomes reality in some form.

So, what does all this mean for someone operating in a hu$tler’s mindset?

  1. Study trends and history, predicting the changes that will take place.
  2. Don’t get wrapped up in the fact that “this is the way we’ve always done business.”
  3. Realize that things must and do change.
  4. Prepare for and be flexible enough to adjust to those changes.

My expectation is that we’ll ride the wave of COVID-19 and more or less go back to the way things were. However, since we seem to have some sort of epidemic scare every few years (SARS, MERS, Mad Cow, Bird Flu, et al, I’m eyeballin’ your shady asses), we can expect to be here again a time or two before the end of the decade. If we don’t adjust this time around (because it is quite human to fight change), we’ll be forced to evolve the way business is done. So, get those trapdoor pajamas ready—the polka-dotted ones with the feet—because I’m predicting the home office will soon be the standard. Just you wait and see.

Legacy of the Grind, Part 1


 I have a cousin who was a banker. Though she made the decision to leave the corporate world in the dust, she’s still awesome when it comes to money management. When it came to her children, she had a unique way of looking at things. She told them that, if they wanted to go to college, they would have to ensure they kept their grades up and were eligible for scholarships. “I don’t owe my kids anything once they’re graduated and eighteen,” she told me, unapologetically and quite matter-of-factly. At the time, I thought it was a cold move but I eventually began to see the light in her logic.

We raise our children from birth, changing diapers, feeding them, staying up late nights when they’re not feeling well or when there’s a monster under the bed. Takes a LOT to get someone from infancy to the beginning of adulthood. Many of us even do it several times over, so that, for a good amount of years, we’re still sacrificing for our kids.

But something happens when they cross the threshold of graduated-and-eighteen. They’re still not old enough to drink but they may have had their driver’s license for a couple of years by then. Even more scary is the fact that they could very well mess around and wind up with babies of their own. Beyond that, they’re waiting to make their next move but typically don’t want guidance from any parental figure in making decisions—of course, because they know every-damn-thing at that age. In the meantime, many parents watch their children stumble and fuck up in all sorts of ways, which is a key to figuring things out, albeit often at our expense.

A few years ago, the American military made it to where its members could pass on G. I. Bill benefits to their children. It sounds really cool but, when it came down to me, I began thinking more like my cousin. That is to say, my kids had two options: (1) they could keep those grades up and apply for scholarships; or (2) they could go into the military and EARN THEIR OWN G. I. BILL BENEFITS!!! Needless to say, three of my brood went the college route and one went into the military.

Right about now, there are people clutching their pearls, cursing my name, and cutting backflips. However, there are a few non-traditionalists who actually get the essence of what I’m trying to convey. We should not be tied to our children as if there’s an ongoing guilt trip for having conceived them. Just as we don’t owe it to them to continue to wipe their asses (I’m referring to able-bodied individuals of sound mind, not children with special needs), we don’t owe them a permanent spot on the tit.

At some point, in order to become productive members of society, they need to get out there and…produce!

I’m part of the Sesame Street generation, which is both good and bad. On the up-side, children became recognized more as individuals who—if they, as teenagers, aren’t strangled to death by their parents after stealing the keys and crashing the car after getting drunk at a party they were told they couldn’t go to in the first fucking place—will eventually grow into adulthood. The dark side of my generation was that many folks began to worship Little Timmy and Doe-Eyed Bethany, thinking they had the ability to walk on water.


Though I agree that each child should be nurtured and loved on, I am completely against someone who is underage and lacking experience being given the lane to control adult narratives. Some things must be earned.

The solution? Teach your children to hu$tle. And, as I often reiterate, I’m not talking about having them do anything illegal or detrimental. I feel (because this is all my opinion, as it is my blog) that something was lost when little girls stopped opening lemonade stands and little boys stopped mowing lawns to make money for their piggybanks. Instead, most children today are so glued to their phones or sucked into game consoles, and they actually mistake social media for actual socializing. Seems to me that the most they’re responsible for is half-ass doing a couple of chores and maybe finishing some homework, before they log on and join friends they’ve likely never met in a virtual environment.

I like video games. Hell, one of my hu$tles is voicing characters for video games, so it’s not the gaming industry to which I fart in its general direction. But, if all Junior is good at by the time he’s of legal age to drive a car and live on his own is getting the high score in an imaginary world, you as a parent have FAILED.

Yeah, I said it. Fight me!

Nearly gone are the days when we take the time to actually teach our babies the value of a dollar and the basics of what it takes to earn a living. But, I’d like to turn a corner at this point and not have us start fellating ourselves at the concept of telling our kids that being relegated to the traditional job market is the be-all-to-end-all.

Not that there’s ANYthing wrong with having a traditional job.

…To start…

The public education system, of which I am a product, is great at conditioning students to become good worker bees. Not that it’s counterproductive to helping build and maintain a colony. However, most children are never told that they can eventually create nests of their own and produce their own figurative honey. The world needs plenty of workers but I challenge each of you to help mold your children into people who learn to start, maintain, and grow businesses of their own.

Uh-oh, I probably just lost a few more narrow-minded folks who have spent their lives toiling for someone else. Don’t worry, though. The cabin pressure will level out when you realize I was once one of the single-minded-of-focus human batteries that was blissfully trapped inside the Matrix.

But when you learn better, you do better and want to see your offspring do even better than that!

This concludes Part One of this particular diatribe. It’s going to take another installment or ten to get my point across and help some folks get free. I’m on the same journey, constantly working to free myself. I welcome you to come along for the ride.

How Much Do You Believe?


If it took no discipline, time, or energy to accomplish, everyone would be writing books. But that also goes for just about everything else, too. It takes the true belief in yourself that you can accomplish what you set out to do and that you have a unique perspective to share.

I am not the first person to ever decide to write. I may never be able to claim the success of more famous authors but that’s not what drives me. What propels me to spend hours by myself, developing characters and building worlds in which they inhabit is not the desire for fame, glory, or riches. Now, don’t get me wrong: I wouldn’t mind becoming renowned and be able to live comfortably from my creative output. However, it’s not why I do what I do.

There was a line from a movie, delivered in Sean Connery’s Scottish brogue, in which he replies to Nicholas Cage’s promise to do his best. “Losers always talk about doing their best.” On the same token, Yoda’s reply to Luke’s whining about his attempt to accomplish was zen-like and simple: “There is no try, only do.” Ain’t that the truth!

The rubber meets the road when it comes to having faith in yourself. If you set out to do something that’s worth doing, plan it out and attack it passionately everyday. Be willing to learn and get around the people who are achieving the goals you’d like to accomplish. However, never envy someone else’s life. God is good enough and the universe is designed to allow you to get whatever it is you set your mind and actions to.

The journey to losing those love handles (I, myself, am working to lose an entire orgy!), to gaining financial independence, to telling your stories comes down to the core of what you really believe you can do. If you believe you can lose the weight, you’ll begin regulating your food intake and committing to an exercise regimen. The results won’t be evident right away.

Goal-setting and affirmation are key to the process of reprogramming your mind. My suggestion is to check out Nicole Decandas’s book, I Affirm Today.

As for me, I have books to write and adventures upon which to embark. When I finally begin to power down and end this life, not only will I have a literary legacy in place, but the only regrets I want to die with are stuff like having not gone to Paris for the umpteenth time, having not taken that other cruise, and having gotten caught, as a spry, 105-year-old man, running out of the home of a rather willing 25-year-old who didn’t tell me she had a jealous boyfriend! BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Jokes aside, believe in yourself and you can do most anything. We were told that as kids but many of us have forgotten all the books we were read, the cartoons we watched and, if we were really fortunate, the mentors and family members who bombarded us constantly. It’s time to rediscover what you can achieve. And that journey begins by allowing your faith to influence your first step.

Now, go do it!!!

Brandywine: Drink Deeply


The things that take the most time to grow and cultivate are often the ones that matter most. It took lots of blood, sweat, and joyful tears, but the baby finally arrived by figurative stork earlier this month. He’s a handsome little tyke, too. But then, my opinion is definitely biased. I invite you all to take a swig of Brandy–not the beverage, necessarily, but I encourage you to take a sip, then drink deeply of my novel. Come up with your own opinion. And, when you’re done, please let me know what you think.


Definition of Destiny


Today is the 18th anniversary of the September 11 Attacks. If we’re old enough to have been around and not in diapers, we all have a story of what we were doing the moment we watched the second plane hit the Twin Towers. The realization and the horror of it not being an accident was like a nightmare come to life. For this generation, it was our version of Pearl Harbor.

I had just gotten out of the military after almost 13 years of active service and had no intention of going back to finish up that career. Instead, I had taken to working several sales jobs and was actually miserable doing so. There were large-screen televisions throughout the call center where I was working. With the news constantly and quietly running on all monitors during the work day, we were all watching when it happened.

For some, it changed their lives temporarily. However, for me, it meant one thing: going back in and doing my part. It redefined my grind and reminded me that my destiny was something bigger than I’d expected.

Today, we will remember. Tomorrow, allow that memory to realize and redefine your purpose.

Ground Zero, New York City, Terrorism, Attack

Brandywine: A Destiny Fulfilled


No photo description available.

Writing a book is about the closest a man comes to giving birth. I have four natural kids and a slew of adopted and godchildren. As much as I love them, I’m neither physically nor mentally prepared to carry and deliver. It’s just not me.

When I penned my first novel, Dead Assets, I did it in a rush. I also had two other possible novels that could’ve been developed. I decided that, since a set of zombie tales would allow me to be outlandish and irreverent with my descriptions, I would go with those. After realizing all the mistakes, I went back to the drawing board, edited, revised, and extended that book. I went from having an ugly kid–the kind that an old lady would refer to as “precious”–to having one I could live with.

Not wanting to make the same mistake of rushing my detective novel, I revised two stories I’d written before Assets evolved from a short story, and wrote a new one. My editor kept me to task, doing all she could to ensure we were going to release a quality product. With the writing, editing, artwork, and formatting stages complete, the final review and submission is all that’s left. I am quite enamored with this “child” and hope that you will be, too.

So, why am I name-dropping my latest project and sounding a bit braggadocios? Well, the name-dropping is to keep you in the loop on what I’ve been up to, while the bragging–well, it’s not really that. I’m just breathing a sigh of relief at finally completing it. After all, it’s spent most of the past decade on the back burner. My hope is that, upon reading it, you won’t hit me with the “precious” comment.

I’ve mentioned before that your hu$tle should fit you. For me, writing is the perfect fit. Like giving life to a baby, it’s a labor of love. Time will tell how that child will be received and what it will grow into. In the meantime, I’ve started on the next volume in the series.

Sidebar: I believe everyone has a story to tell. Maybe writing could be a hu$tle for you; however, moneymaking ability aside, I think you should tell it. Soon, I will be posting an interview with someone who can help you with developing and sharing your unique voice. Stay tuned.

Living Nightmares?


I have an overactive imagination and can come up with all sorts of storylines to leave readers unsettled. I even joke about how I help to keep therapists employed because folks seek their counseling services following the tales I weave.

But I say that as a joke.

I’d much rather make you THINK than to give you bad dreams. The problem is, stories of supernatural monsters and creepy situations aside, there are some actual nightmares being had during the waking hours.

Yesterday, several members of a synagogue were murdered simply for being Jewish. One was a Holocaust survivor. In another city, two black people met a similar fate due to the color of their skin. They were both grandparents and one had recently retired from years of service with the Veterans Administration.

Amazing. Thoughtless. And sadly, American.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a country that is supposed to be the shining example of how united we could be, regardless of things like race, religion, or sexual preference. Yet, for all the technological advancements, for every probe we’ve sent into space, and for the strides we have made, we keep falling flat.

It’s a fucking shame.

I wrote a similar post a few years ago when a young white kid shot a bunch of people in their house of worship, simply for being black. Like the folks at the synagogue and the shoppers, they weren’t plotting some nefarious takeover. They weren’t molesting kids or poisoning anyone’s drinking water. They were just living peacefully.

The stuff I put on paper has limits. It seems like the real live monsters who live, breathe, and walk among us, do not.

Read books like The Turner Diaries and watch how acts of domestic terror and real live horror keeps being enacted with real blood and actual death. I can’t make that sort of shit up…

A Gentleman’s Revolution



Back in the day, men were gentlemen and women were ladies. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost that and men are overgrown boys, sagging their pants and gripping their Lyndon B. Johnsons to prove they have one; women have devolved into hoochies who think the video vixen and porn star are the apex of culture.

The saying goes, “Ladies First,” but I’m wondering what would happen if men took the initial step and began acting more like gentlemen.  I’m not talking Sir Walter Raleigh (if you don’t know, look it up) or anything that deep, but what if men:

– Took off their hats when they entered an establishment?

– Held the door when they saw a lady approach?

– Actually intervened when they saw an abusive situation happening in public (my cousin recently saw a man kick his woman in the back while at WalMart; I envisioned two muscle-headed cats beating the brakes off his punk ass)?

– Stood up when a lady entered the room?

– Stopped using foul language in the presence of ladies (a lyric comes to mind from an old Staples Singers song: “You curse around women and you don’t even know their name / and you’re dumb enough to think that it makes you a big old man…”)?

– Asked his lady her opinion, actually wanting to hear the response?

Gents, what do you think would happen in our own relationships?  Ladies, what would you think?  For both sexes, what else should be added to this list?

I have a lot of growing to do myself. However, I’m considering trying this on for size. Pass on the idea of a Gentleman’s Revolution and let’s see what happens.  I’m curious to see if it would change some things.